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December 3, 2019

Freight Equipment

D&H “Covered Wagon” Style Steel Boxcar #25001 (ex-Pennsylvania Railroad) (PRR 25000-09 series with round top and double doors) (used for decoration storage)

D&H 160-Ton Big Hook Crane #30021 (Bay City, 1926) D&H Gondola #30088 (with Big Hook Crane) D&H Gondola #30117 (with Big Hook Crane)

D&H Wide Vision Caboose #35794 (ex-Reading #94113, NEb class) (leased from Leatherstocking Railway Resources Corp) (former office) (stored in Cooperstown Junction)

D&H Bay Window Caboose #35723 (leased from LRHS member) (in revenue service)

D&H Wooden Center Cupola Caboose #35707R (Owned by LRHS) (originally built 1907 as a boxcar, converted to caboose circa 1942) (in Milford awaiting restoration)
Erie-Lackawanna Bay Window Caboose #316 (stored serviceable in Milford) (cosmetic restoration underway)

D&H Wide Vision Caboose #35796 (privately owned) (ex-Reading Company #94115) (built September, 1971) (stored serviceable in Milford)

D&H 50’ PS-1 Steel Boxcar #27006 (used for storage) (in Milford awaiting restoration)

D&H Steel Deck Flatcar #16517 (ex-Reading Company) (in MOW service)

Bangor & Aroostok Russell Wooden Snow Plow #X456 (in Milford awaiting restoration)

PRR Express Boxcar #2545 (used for document storage) (in Milford awaiting restoration)

FJ&G 40’ Steel Boxcar #138448 (PRR class X43C, built 7-51) (used for storage) (in Cooperstown Junction awaiting restoration)

36’ Wooden Boxcar #CACV 26644 (original heritage unknown) (partially destroyed by vandal fire in Milford, October, 2017) (in Milford awaiting restoration)

36’ Wooden Boxcar #CACV 26645 (original heritage unknown) (used for storage) (in Cooperstown Junction awaiting restoration)

Swift Premium Steel Boxcar #CACV 25008 (originally GATX #25008, built 5-54) (used for storage) (in Cooperstown Junction awaiting restoration)

D&H Side Dump Cars (2) #32176 (in service), #32173 (out of service) (built 1949)

D&H Jordan Spreader #35056 (built 1956) (in MOW service in Milford)

Tank Car CACV #2923 (ex-D&H #57) (built 1937) (in Milford undergoing restoration)
